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邮  箱: qinym (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:教授






  • 个人简介
  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文


2002年2月 - 2003年8月 , 博士后 , 德国Ruhr大学 , (德国洪堡基金资助)
1999年10月- 2001年9月, 博士后 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1993年8月 - 1999年9月, 毕业 , 生物化学 , 芬兰奥鲁大学 (University of Oulu, Finland) , 哲学博士
1989年9月 - 1993年7月, 理学硕士 , 生物化学 , 挪威奥斯陆大学(University of Oslo, Norway)
1983年9月 - 1988年7月 , 理学学士 , 北京大学医学部药学院


2008年8月 - 至今 , 教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2007年8月 - 至今 , 博士生导师 , 北京大学生命科学学院
2001年8月 - 2008年7月 , 副教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院
1988年8月 - 1989年8月 , 实习研究员 , 中国康复研究中心


2014年 - 至今 , 中国生物化学与分子生物学教学分会副主任兼秘书长


德国洪堡基金(Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) , 2002-2003
北京大学优秀教学奖 2016


2012年-至今 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Editor
2011年-至今 农业生物技术学报, 编委




生物化学及生物化学小班讨论课 , 授课 , 北京大学 , 2002年9月-至今
  实验室以陆地棉和无长绒无短绒突变体为实验材料,通过构建大规模棉花转录组基因芯片,分离、鉴定和研究棉花纤维伸长相关基因。其中,超长链脂肪酸(VLCFA)合成途径是被鉴定为一条重要的在纤维发育期显著上调的代谢途径,我们克隆并鉴定编码3-酮脂酰-CoA合酶、3-酮脂酰-CoA还原酶及烯酰-CoA还原酶的棉花cDNA。为验证其生物学功能,将它们互补相对应的酵母突变体中,并使用气相色谱质谱联用仪对互补棉花基因的酵母突变体中的脂肪酸进行定性和定量分析,研究发现VLCFA通过激活乙烯合成途径不仅能够促进棉纤维伸长发育,而且还能促进拟南芥茎细胞伸长。这是关于VLCFA可能作为植物信号分子的首次报道,对于VLCFA如何调控植物发育的进一步研究具有重要意义。利用超高效液相色谱质谱联用(ESI-MS/MS)技术,对六类棉纤维中的甘油磷脂建立了共计1566对离子对的脂质组学MRM检测方法。提取开花后10天(10 dpa)野生型陆地棉纤维、胚珠及无毛突变体(fuzzless-lintless)中的总脂质。实验结果表明,10 dpa纤维细胞中磷脂酰肌醇PI34:3的含量明显高于胚珠及无毛突变体中的含量,其中脂肪酸链组成是棕榈酸C16:0和亚麻酸C18:3。在胚珠体外培养实验中,外源施加包含C18:3的PI或C18:3均能够显著促进纤维细胞的伸长。磷脂酰肌醇合酶PIS抑制剂5-Hydroxytryptamine抑制纤维细胞伸长。病毒诱导的基因沉默实验结果表明,抑制GhPIS导致显著的纤维变短表型。

1. Liu NJ, Zhang T, Liu ZH, Chen X, Guo HS, Ju BH, Zhang YY, Li GZ, Zhou QH, Qin YM*, Zhu YX (2020). Phytosphinganine Affects Plasmodesmata Permeability via Facilitating PDLP5-Stimulated
Callose Accumulation in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant. 13, 128–143.
2.Wang XC, Li Q, Jin X, Xiao GH, Liu GJ, Liu NJ, Qin YM* (2015) Quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics reveal key metabolic processes associated with cotton fiber initiation. J Proteomics. 114, 16-27.
3.Liu GJ, Xiao GH, Liu NJ, Liu D, Chen PS, Qin YM*, Zhu YX. (2015) Targeted lipidomics studies reveal that linolenic acid promotes cotton fiber elongation by activating phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol monophosphate biosynthesis. Mol Plant. 8, 911-921.
4.Epstein S, Castillon GA, Qin Y*, and Riezman H* (2012) An essential function of sphingolipids in yeast cell division. Mol Microbiol. 84, 1018-1032
5. Wang H, Mei W, Qin Y* and Zhu Y , 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase 2 is phosphorylated by calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 during cotton fiber elongation. , Acta Biochim Biophys Sin , 2011 , 43: 654-661
6. Qin YM, Zhu YX , How cotton fibers elongate: a tale of linear cell-growth mode , Curr Opin Plant Biol , 2011 , 14: 106-111
7. Pang CY, Wang H, Pang Y, Xu C, Jiao Y, Qin YM, Western TL, Yu SX, Zhu YX , Comparative proteomics indicates that biosynthesis of pectic precursors is important for cotton fiber and Arabidopsis root hair elongation. , Mol Cell Proteomics , 2010 , 9: 2019-2033
8. Pang Y, Song WQ, Chen FY, Qin YM* , A new cotton SDR family gene encodes a polypeptide possessing aldehyde reductase and 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase activities. , Biochemistry (Mosc). , 2010 , 75: 320-326.
9. Song WQ, Qin YM*, Saito M, Shirai T, Pujol FM, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK, Zhu YX , Characterization of two cotton cDNAs encoding trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase reveals a putative novel NADPH binding motif , J Exp Bot , 2009 , 60: 1839-1848
10. Mei WQ, Qin YM*, Song WQ, Li J, Zhu YX , Cotton GhPOX1 encoding plant class III peroxidase may be responsible for the high level of reactive oxygen species production that is related to cotton fiber elongation , J Genet Genomics , 2009 , 36: 141-150.,(* corresponding author)
11. Song WQ, Qin YM*, Saito M, Shirai T, Pujol FM, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK, Zhu YX , Characterization of two cotton cDNAs encoding trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase reveals a putative novel NADPH binding motif , J Exp Bot , 2009 , 60: 1839-1848
12. Mei WQ, Qin YM*, Song WQ, Li J, Zhu YX , Cotton GhPOX1 encoding plant class III peroxidase may be responsible for the high level of reactive oxygen species production that is related to cotton fiber elongation , J Genet Genomics , 2009 , 36: 141-150.,(* corresponding author)
13. He XC, Qin YM*, Xu Y, Hu CY, Zhu YX , Molecular cloning, expression profiling and yeast complementation of nineteen beta-tubulin cDNAs from developing cotton ovules , J Exp Bot , 2008 , 59: 2687-2695
14. He XC, Qin YM*, Xu Y, Hu CY, Zhu YX , Molecular cloning, expression profiling and yeast complementation of nineteen beta-tubulin cDNAs from developing cotton ovules , J Exp Bot , 2008 , 59: 2687-2695
15. Qin YM , Hu CY, Pang Y, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK and Zhu YX , Saturated very-long-chain fatty acids promote cotton fiber and Arabidopsis cell elongation by activating ethylene biosynthesis , Plant Cell , 2007 , 19: 3692-3704
16. Qin YM*, Pujol FM, Hu CY, Feng JX, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK, and Zhu YX , Genetic and biochemical studies in yeast reveal that the cotton fibre-specific GhCER6 gene functions in fatty acid elongation , J Exp Bot, , 2007 , 58: 473-481
17. Li HB, Qin YM*, Pang Y, Song WQ, Mei WQ, and Zhu YX , A cotton ascorbate peroxidase is involved in hydrogen peroxide homeostasis during fibre cell development , New Phytologist , 2007 , 175: 462-471,
18. Qin YM and Zhu YX , A brief summary of major advances in cotton functional genomics and molecular breeding studies in China , Chin Sci Bull , 2007 , 52, 3174-3178,Review
19. Qin YM , Hu CY, Pang Y, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK and Zhu YX , Saturated very-long-chain fatty acids promote cotton fiber and Arabidopsis cell elongation by activating ethylene biosynthesis , Plant Cell , 2007 , 19: 3692-3704
20. Qin YM*, Pujol FM, Hu CY, Feng JX, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK, and Zhu YX , Genetic and biochemical studies in yeast reveal that the cotton fibre-specific GhCER6 gene functions in fatty acid elongation , J Exp Bot, , 2007 , 58: 473-481
21. Li HB, Qin YM*, Pang Y, Song WQ, Mei WQ, and Zhu YX , A cotton ascorbate peroxidase is involved in hydrogen peroxide homeostasis during fibre cell development , New Phytologist , 2007 , 175: 462-471,
22. Qin YM and Zhu YX , A brief summary of major advances in cotton functional genomics and molecular breeding studies in China , Chin Sci Bull , 2007 , 52, 3174-3178,Review
23. Shi, Y.H., Zhu, S.W., Mao, X.Z., Feng, J.X., Qin, Y.M., Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Wei. L.P., Wang, Z.Y., and Zhu, Y.X , Transcriptome profiling, molecular biological, and physiological studies reveal a major role for ethylene in cotton fiber cell elongation , Plant Cell , 2006 , 18, 651-664
24. Qin YM, Pujol FA, Shi YH, Feng JX, Liu YM, Kastaniotis AJ, Hiltunen JK and Zhu YX , Cloning and functional characterization of two cDNAs encoding NADPH-dependent 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductases from developing cotton fibers , Cell Research , 2005 , 15: 465-473.
25. Qin YM, Poutanen MH, and Novikov DK , Substrate specificities of peroxisomal members of short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily: expression and characterization of dehydrogenase part of Candida tropicalis multifunctional enzyme , J Lipid Res. , 2000 , 41: 93-98
26. Hiltunen JK and Qin YM , beta-Oxidation - strategies for the metabolism of a wide variety of acyl-CoA esters , Biochim Biophys Acta , 2000 , 1484, 117-128,Review
27. Qin YM, Haapalainen AM, Kilpelainen SH, Marttila MS, Koski MK, Glumoff T, Novikov DK, and Glumoff T , Human peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2. Site-directed mutagenesis studies show the importance of two protic residues for 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 activity , J Biol Chem, , 2000 , 275: 4965-4972
28. Qin YM, Marttila MS, Haapalainen AM, Siivari KM, Glumoff T, and Hiltunen JK , Yeast peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme: (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase domains A and B are required for optimal growth on oleic acid , J Biol Chem, , 1999 , 274: 28619-28625.
29. Qin YM, Haapalainen AM, Conry D, Cuebas DA, Hiltunen JK, and Novikov DK , Recombinant 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase derived from rat peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme 2: role of the hydratase reaction in bile acid synthesis , Biochem J, , 1997 , 328: 377-382.

