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邮  箱: rao (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:教授






  • 个人简介
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  • 代表性论文
♦ Li X, Han JD, Fang YH, Bai SN & Rao GY. (2017) Expression analyses of embryogenesis-associated genes during somatic embryogenesis of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. in vitro: New Insights into the evolution of reproductive organs in land plants. Front. Plant Sci., 8:658. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00658
♦ Han JD, Li X, Jiang CK, Wong GK-S, Rothfels CJ & Rao GY. (2017) Evolutionary analysis of the LAFL genes involved in the land plant seed maturation program. Front. Plant Sci., 8:439. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00439
♦ Fang YH, Li X, Bai SN & Rao GY. (2017) Sugar treatments can induce AcLEAFY COTYLEDON1 expression and trigger the accumulation of storage products during prothallus development of Adiantum capillus-veneris. Front. Plant Sci., 8:541. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00541
♦ Huang Y, An YM, Meng SY, Guo YP & Rao GY. (2017) Taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of Phaeostigma in the subtribe Artemisiinae (Asteraceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55: 426–436. doi: 10.1111/jse.12257
♦ Zhang JQ, Meng SY & Rao GY. (2016) Two new species of Rhodiola (Crassulaceae) from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Phytotaxa, 224 (2): 159–172.
♦ Huang Y, Wang X, Ge S & Rao GY. (2015) Divergence and adaptive evolution of the gibberellin oxidase genes in plants. BMC Evol Biol, 15:207 . doi: 10.1186/s12862-015-0490-2.
♦ Li X, Fang YH, Han JD, Bai SN & Rao GY. (2015) Isolation and characterization of a novel SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR KINASE gene expressed in the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris during shoot regeneration in vitro. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 33:638–647.
♦ Zhang JQ, Meng SY, Wen J & Rao GY. (2015) DNA Barcoding of Rhodiola (Crassulaceae): A case study on a group of recently diversified medicinal plants from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119921. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119921.
♦ Zhang JQ, Meng SY, Rao GY. (2014) Phylogeography of Rhodiola kirilowii (Crassulaceae): A story of Miocene divergence and Quaternary expansion. PLoS ONE 9(11): e0112923. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112923.
♦ Zhang JQ, Meng SY, Allen GA, Wen J & Rao GY. (2014) Rapid radiation and dispersal out of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of an alpine plant lineage Rhodiola (Crassulaceae), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution , 77: 147–158.
♦ Li J, Wan Q, Guo YP, Abbott RJ & Rao GY. (2014) Should I stay or should I go: biogeographic and evolutionary history of a polyploid complex (Chrysanthemum indicum complex) in response to Pleistocene climate change in China. New Phytologist , 201: 1031-1044.
♦ Zhang JQ, Meng SY, Wen J & Rao GY. (2014) Phylogenetic relationships and character evolution of Rhodiola (Crassulaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid trnL-F and psbA-trnH sequences , Systematic Botany, 2014 , 39: 441–451
♦ Li J, Wan Q, Abbott RJ, Rao GY. (2013) Geographical distribution of cytotypes in the Chrysanthemum indicum complex as evidenced by ploidy level and genome-size variation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51: 196 – 204.
♦ Li X, Fang YH, Yang J, Bai SN & Rao GY. (2013) Overview of the morphology, anatomy, and ontogeny of Adiantum capillus-veneris: An experimental system to study the development of ferns , Journal of Systematics and Evolution , 2013 , 51: 499-510
♦ Liu PL, Wan Q, Guo YP, Yang J, Rao GY. Phylogeny of the Genus Chrysanthemum L.: Evidence from Single-Copy Nuclear Gene and Chloroplast DNA Sequences. , PLoS ONE , 2012 , 7(11): e48970. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048970.
♦ Liu PL, Wan JN, Guo YP, Ge S, Rao GY , Adaptive evolution of the chrysanthemyl diphosphate synthase gene involved in irregular monoterpene metabolism. , BMC Evol Biol , 2012 , 12:214
♦ Sun JJ., Li F., Li X., Liu XC., Rao GY., Luo JC., Wang DH., Xu ZH., Bai SN. Why is ethylene involved in selective promotion of female flower development in cucumber? , Plant Signaling & Behavior , 2010 , 5(8):1-5
♦ Liang ZC, Huang P, Yang J & Rao GY , Population divergence in the amphicarpic species Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. (Fabaceae): microsatellite markers and leaf morphology , Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009 , 96:505-516
♦ Hu YC, Zhang Q, Rao GY & Sodmergen , Occurrence of plastids in the sperm cells of caprifoliaceae: Biparental plastid inheritance in angiosperms is unilaterally derived from maternal inheritance , Plant Cell Physiol. , 2008 , 49:958-968
♦ Xie ZY, Li X, Glover BJ, Bai SN, Rao GY, Luo JC & Yang J , Duplication and functional diversification of HAP3 genes leading to the origin of the seed-developmental regulatory gene, LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1), in nonseed plant genomes , Mol. Biol. Evol. , 2008 , 25: 1581-1592.
♦ Xie ZY, Li X, Glover BJ, Bai SN, Rao GY, Luo JC & Yang J , Duplication and functional diversification of HAP3 genes leading to the origin of the seed-developmental regulatory gene, LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1), in nonseed plant genomes , Mol. Biol. Evol. , 2008 , 25: 1581-1592.
♦ Liang ZC, Yang J & Rao GY , Development of microsatellite markers in an amphicarpic species, Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. (Leguminosae) , Molecular Ecology Notes , 2007 , 7: 863-865
♦ Yang WH, Glover BJ, Rao GY & Yang J , Molecular evidence for multiple polyploidization and lineage recombination in the Chrysanthemum indicum polyploid complex (Asteraceae) , New Phytologist , 2006 , 171: 875-886
♦ Zhang Y, Yang J & Rao GY , Comparative aerial and subterranean flower development in Amphicarpaea edgeworthii (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), an amphicapic legume , International Journal of Plant Sciences , 2006 , 167: 943-949
♦ Yang WH, Glover BJ, Rao GY & Yang J , Molecular evidence for multiple polyploidization and lineage recombination in the Chrysanthemum indicum polyploid complex (Asteraceae) , New Phytologist , 2006 , 171: 875-886
♦ Zhang Y, Yang J & Rao GY , Comparative aerial and subterranean flower development in Amphicarpaea edgeworthii (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), an amphicapic legume , International Journal of Plant Sciences , 2006 , 167: 943-949
♦ Zhang Y, Yang J & Rao GY , Genetic diversity of an amphicarpic species, Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. (Leguminosae) based on RAPD marker , Biochemical Systematics and Ecology , 2005 , 33: 1246-1257
♦ Zhang Y, Yang J & Rao GY , Genetic diversity of an amphicarpic species, Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. (Leguminosae) based on RAPD marker , Biochemical Systematics and Ecology , 2005 , 33: 1246-1257
♦ Rao GY, Andersson S & Widén B , Flower and cotyledon asymmetry in Brassica cretica ssp. cretica: Genetic variation and relationship with fitness , Evolution , 2002 , 56: 690-698
♦ Rao GY, Andersson S & Widén B , Developmental stability in Brassica cretica ssp. cretica: the effect of crossing distance on fluctuating asymmetry in cotyledon morphology , Heredity , 2002 , 88: 197-202
♦ Rao GY, Andersson S & Widén B , Pattern of inbreeding depression in a population of Brassica cretica (Brassicaceae): evidence from family-level analyses , Biological Journal of Linnean Society , 2002 , 76: 317-325
♦ Rao GY, Andersson S & Widén B , Flower and cotyledon asymmetry in Brassica cretica ssp. cretica: Genetic variation and relationship with fitness , Evolution , 2002 , 56: 690-698
♦ Rao GY, Andersson S & Widén B , Developmental stability in Brassica cretica ssp. cretica: the effect of crossing distance on fluctuating asymmetry in cotyledon morphology , Heredity , 2002 , 88: 197-202
♦ Rao GY, Andersson S & Widén B , Pattern of inbreeding depression in a population of Brassica cretica (Brassicaceae): evidence from family-level analyses , Biological Journal of Linnean Society , 2002 , 76: 317-325
♦ Wu, SA, Yang, J & Rao GY , Systematic position of Polygonatum simizui (Convallariaceae) based on morphological, cytological and chloroplast DNA sequence data , Botanical Journal of Linnean Society , 2001 , 137: 291-296
♦ Wu, SA, Yang, J & Rao GY , Systematic position of Polygonatum simizui (Convallariaceae) based on morphological, cytological and chloroplast DNA sequence data , Botanical Journal of Linnean Society , 2001 , 137: 291-296
♦ He, TH, Rao, GY & You, RL , Reproductive biology of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae s.l.),an endangered endemic of Yunnan, Southwest China , Australian Journal of Botany , 2000 , 48: 101-107
♦ He, TH, Rao, GY,You, RL,Ge, S & Zhang, DM. , Genetic diversity of widespread Ophiopogon intermedius: A comparison with endangered O. xylorrhizus , Biological Conservation , 2000 , 96:253-257
♦ He, TH, Rao, GY & You, RL , Reproductive biology of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae s.l.),an endangered endemic of Yunnan, Southwest China , Australian Journal of Botany , 2000 , 48: 101-107
He, TH, Rao, GY,You, RL,Ge, S & Zhang, DM. , Genetic diversity of widespread Ophiopogon intermedius: A comparison with endangered O. xylorrhizus , Biological Conservation , 2000 , 96:253-257

