2002 – 2006 本科,北京大学生命科学学院,获理学学士学位
2006 – 2011 硕博连读研究生, 北京大学生命科学学院,获理学博士学位
2011 – 2013 博士后,美国克利夫兰医学中心Lerner研究所,细胞与分子医学系
2013 – 2019 博士后,北京大学生命科学学院
2019 至今 副研究员,北京大学生命科学学院
2023 至今 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》青年编委执教课程:
本科生 遗传学讨论 春季学期
本科生 发育生物学 春季学期
本科生 发育生物学实验 春季学期
研究生CLS项目 发育生物学基础 秋季学期
Gao Y.*, Feng J.*, Zhang Y., Yi M., Zhang L., Yan Y., Zhu A.J.# and Liu M.# (2024) Ehbp1 orchestrates orderly sorting of Wnt/Wingless to the basolateral and apical cell membranes. EMBO Rep. 25(12): doi: 10.1038/s44319-024-00289-1.
Wang Y., Zhou J., Yang Q., Li X., Oiu Y., Zhang Y.#, Liu M.# and Zhu A.J.# (2024) Therapeutic siRNA targeting PLIN2 ameliorates steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis in steatotic liver disease models. J.Lipid Res. 65: 100635.
He T.*, Fan Y.*, Du J., Yi M., Li Y., Liu M.#, Zhu A.J.# (2023) Stuxnet fine-tunes Notch dose during development using a functional Polycomb response element. Development 150: dev201297.
Zhao W.*, Zhang Y.*#, Lin S., Li Y., Zhu A.J., Shi H.#, Liu M.# (2023) Identification of Ubr1 as an amino acid sensor of steatosis in liver and muscle. J. Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 14: 1454-1467.
Zhang Y.*, Lin S.*, Peng J.*, Liang X., Yang Q., Bai X., Li Y., Li J., Dong W., Wang Y., Huang Y., Pei Y., Guo J., Zhao W., Zhang Z., Liu M.#, Zhu A.J.# (2022) Amelioration of hepatic steatosis by dietary essential amino acid-induced ubiquitination. Mol. Cell 82: 1528-1542.
He T.*, Fan Y.*, Wang Y., Liu M.#, Zhu A.J.# (2022) Dissection of the microRNA network regulating Hedgehog signaling in Drosophila. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10: 866491.
Liu M.*, Su Y.*, Peng J., Zhu A.J. (2021) Protein modifications in Hedgehog signaling. BioEssays 43: e2100153.
Gan T.*, Fan L.*, Zhao L., Misra M., Liu M., Zhang M.#, Su Y.# (2021) JNK signaling in Drosophila aging and longevity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 9649.
Zhang Y.*, Teng D.*, Lu W. *, Liu M.*, Zeng H., Cao L., Southcott L., Potdar S., Westerman E., Zhu A.J.#, Zhang W.# (2021) A widely diverged locus involved in locomotor adaptation in Heliconius butterflies. Sci. Adv. 7: eabh2340.
Liu M.*, Liu A.*, Wang J.*, Zhang Y., Li Y., Su Y.#, Zhu A.J.# (2021) Competition between two phosphatases fine-tunes Hedgehog signaling. J. Cell Biol. 220: e202010078.
Liu M.*, Li Y.*, Liu A., Li R., Su Y., Du J., Li C., Zhu A.J.# (2016) The exon junction complex regulates the splicing of cell polarity gene dlg1 to control Wingless signaling in development. eLife 5: e17200.
Du J.*, Zhang J.*, He T., Li Y., Su Y., Tie F., Liu M., Harte P.J., Zhu A.J.# (2016) Stuxnet facilitates the degradation of polycomb protein during development. Dev. Cell 37: 507-519.
Zhang J., Du J., Lei C., Liu M., Zhu A.J.# (2014) Ubpy controls the stability of the ESCRT-0 subunit Hrs in development. Development 141: 1473-1479.
Gao G.*, Vibranovski M. D.*, Zhang L., Li Z., Liu M., Zhang Y. E., Li X., Zhang W., Fan Q., VanKuren N. W., Long M.#, Wei L.# (2014) A long-term demasculinization of X-linked intergenic noncoding RNAs in Drosophila melanogaster. Genome Res. 24: 629-638.
Zhang J.*, Liu M.*, Su Y., Du J., Zhu A.J.# (2012) A targeted in vivo RNAi screen reveals deubiquitinases as new regulators of Notch signaling. G3 (Bethesda) 2: 1563-1575.
Du J., Zhang J., Su Y., Liu M., Ospina J.K., Yang S., Zhu A.J.# (2011) in vivo RNAi screen reveals neddylation genes as novel regulators of Hedgehog signaling. PLoS One 6: e24168.
Liu M.*, Liu P.*, Zhang L., Gao G., Zhang W., Zhu Z., Liu D.#, Fan Q.# (2011) mir-35 is involved in intestine cell G1/S transition and germ cell proliferation in C. elegans. Cell Res. 21: 1605-1618.
Wang X.*, Liu M.*, Li W., Suh CD., Zhu Z., Jin Y., Fan Q.# (2009) The function of a spindle checkpoint gene bub-1 in C. elegans development. PLoS One 4: e5912.
Li Z.*, Liu M.*, Zhang L.*, Zhang W., Gao G., Zhu Z., Wei L., Fan Q.#, Long M.# (2009) Detection of intergenic non-coding RNAs expressed in the main developmental stages in Drosophila melanogaster. Nucleic Acids Res. 37: 4308-4314.
董 巍、刘 敏、冯婧
博士后:张乐冰、张延松(博雅博士后)、范 昱 (博雅博士后)、林思远 (博雅博士后)
研究生:黄 颖 (SLS)、王 洁 (SLS)、亓 淼 (PTN)、杨 琪 (SLS)、李锦华 (SLS)、王 尧 (SLS)、徐 滢 (SLS)、杨 迪 (SLS)、孟心瀚 (PTN)、苏 桐 (SLS)、李常清 (SLS)、程启翔(PTN)、李逸之 (4+4)