2001 - 至今,北京大学生命科学学院讲师,副教授,教授
2006 - 2007,Visiting Scholar, DKFZ, 德国国家癌症中心
2002 - 2005,Postdoctoral fellow, University of Wisconsin at Madison,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校生物化学系
1999 - 2001,博士后,北京大学生命科学学院细胞生物学专业荣誉奖励:
北京大学东宝奖教金 , 2015
北大第五届青年教师教学基本功演示竞赛三等奖 , 2009
教育部自然科学奖二等奖, 2007学术任职:
细胞生物学(本科生) 作为第二遗传密码,表观遗传通过一维的组蛋白和DNA的修饰以及三维的空间结构来调控基因的表达以及基因组的稳定等。表观遗传各种修饰酶活复合体导致多种多样的组蛋白和DNA的化学修饰,这些修饰以动态的和组合的方式来应答细胞各种信号从而影响基因组的稳定性以及基因转录的活跃、休克和沉默。而基因的转录活动和稳定性调控着细胞的各种重大生命活动,如癌化和和衰老。
3 研究衰老相关的神经退行性病变的发病机制和表观遗传的调控作用。
Min Yang,Jennie Ong,Fanju Meng,Feixiang Zhang,Hui Shen,Kerstin Kitt,Tengfei Liu,Wei Tao and Peng Du*. Spatiotemporal insight into early pregnancy governed by immune-featured stromal cells. Cell, 2023, in print
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Xiaoke Huang†,Xuebin Zhang†,Le Zong,Qianqian Gao,Chao Zhang,Ran Wei,Yiting Guan,Li Huang,Lijun Zhang, Guoliang Lyv* and Wei Tao*.Gene body methylation safeguards ribosomal DNA transcription by preventing PHF6-mediated enrichment of repressive histone mark H4K20me3. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021,297(4) 101195
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Chao Zhang†,Xuebin Zhang†,Li Huang,Yiting Guan,Xiaoke Huang,XiaoLi Tian,Lijun Zhang and Wei Tao*. ATF3 drives senescence by reconstructing accessible chromatin profiles. Aging Cell, 2021, 20(3): e13315
Yiting Guan†, Chao Zhang†, Guoliang Lyu, Xiaoke Huang, Xuebin Zhang, Tenghan Zhuang, Lumeng Jia, Lijun Zhang, Chen Zhang*, Cheng Li* and Wei Tao*. Senescence-activated enhancer landscape orchestrates the senescence-associated secretory phenotype in murine fibroblasts. Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, 48:10909–10923
Chao Zhang†, Zihan Xu†, shangda Yang†, Guohua Sun, Lumeng Jia, Lumeng Jia, Zhaofeng Zheng, Quan Gu, Wei Tao*, Hui Cheng*, Cheng Li* and Tao Cheng*. Chromatin architecture landscape in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations. Cell Reports, 2020, 32:108206
Guoliang Lyu#, Yuting Guan# , Chao Zahng, Le Zong, Sun Lei, Xiaoke Huang. Li Huang, Lijun Zhang,Xiaoli Tian,Zhongjun Zhou and Wei Tao*.TGF-β signaling alters H4K20me3 status via miR-29 and contributes to cellular senescence and cardiac aging. Nature Communications, 2018,Jul 2;9(1):2560
Meng Chen#, Guoliang Lyu#, Miao Han#, Hongbo Nie#, Ting Shen, Wei Chen, Yichi Niu, Yifan Song, Xueping Li, Huan Li, Xinyu Chen, Ziyue Wang, Zheng Xia, Wei Li, Xiao-Li Tian, Chen Ding, Jun Gu, Yufang Zheng, Xinhua Liu, Jinfeng Hu, Gang Wei*, Wei Tao*, Ting Ni.* 3′ UTR lengthening as a novel mechanism in regulating cellular senescence. Genome Research, 2018, 28: 285-294
Guoliang Lyu, Chao Zhang, Te Ling, Rui Liu, Le Zong, Yiting Guan, Xiaoke Huang, Lei Sun, Lijun Zhang, Cheng Li*, Yu Nie* and Wei Tao*. Genome and epigenome analysis of monozygotic twins discordant for congenital heart disease. BMC Genomics, 2018 19:428
Kai Liu, Lianggong Ding, Yuhong Li, Hui Yang, Chunyue Zhao, Ye Lei , Shuting Han, Wei Tao, Dengshun Miao, Hermann Steller, Michael Welsh* and Lei Liu*.Neuronal necrosis is regulated by a conserved chromatin-modifying cascade. PNAS. 2014,111:13960-65
Min Luo#, Te Ling#, WenbingXie#, He Sun, Yonggang Zhou, Qiaoyun Zhu, Meili Shen, Le Zong, Yun Zhao, Tao Ye, Jun Gu, Wei Tao*, Zhigang Lu*, Ingrid Grummt*. NuRD blocks reprogramming of mouse somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells, 2013, 31:1278-86
Guoliang Lyu, Le Zong, Chao Zhang, Xiaoke Huang, Wenbing Xie, Junnan Fang, Yiting Guan, Lijun Zhang, Ting Ni#, Jun Gu#, Wei Tao# . Metastasis-related methyltransferase Merm1 represses the methyltransferase activity of Dnmt3a and facilitates RNA polymerase I transcriptional elongation. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2019, 11(1), 78–90
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