2001-2006, 理学博士, 分子遗传学, 杜克大学
1996-2000, 理学学士, 细胞遗传, 北京大学
2019-今,研究员,北大-清华生命科学联合中心 (CLS)
2013-2018,青年学者,北大-清华生命科学联合中心 (CLS)
2011-2012,副研究员,病理学系, 斯坦福大学
2006-2011,博士后,病理学系,斯坦福大学 社会服务工作:
2024, 北京市青少年创新学院海淀分院学术委员会委员荣誉奖励:
2024, 北京大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师奖
2023, 北京大学生命科学学院最受欢迎教师奖
2023, 北京大学教学优秀奖
2023, 北京大学“示范班集体”班主任
2022, 教育部第二届基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0优秀教师奖
2022, 北京大学本科生科研训练优秀指导教师奖
2021, 第三届神经细胞生物学青年前沿论坛特邀报告人奖
2019, 入选 Journal of Cell Biology 杂志青年顾问委员会
2016, 北京大学生命科学学院最受欢迎教师奖
2015, 北京大学青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖
2015, 北京大学教学优秀奖
2006, 斯坦福大学医学院 院长博士后奖学金, 美国
2005, 基石研讨会(Keystone Symposium) 摘要奖, 美国
2002-2006, 霍华德·休斯医学研究所(HHMI) 博士生奖学金, 美国学术任职:
2019-今,Journal of Cell Biology 杂志青年顾问委员会委员 (Early Career Advisory Board member)评审任职:
杂志评审:Developmental Cell; Science Advances; Nature Communications; Elife; Journal of Cell Biology; Cell Reports; PLOS Genetics; Development; JGG会议发言与组织:
会议组织:EMBO Workshop - Molecular and Developmental Biology of Drosophila (2022; 2024; 2026)杂志编辑:
eLife 杂志,编委 (Reviewing Editor) /
PLOS Genetics 杂志,编委 (Associate Editor) /
Journal of Genetics and Genomics 杂志,编委 (Editor) /
Developmental Biology 杂志,特邀编辑 (Guest Editor)
1. 细胞命运记忆传承:脑发育过程中细胞如何在有丝分裂后及时“记住”或“遗忘”其细胞命运或身份?
2. 神经发育时程解码:神经发育的时程信号如何被及时、精确读取并转换成细胞命运决策事件,确保神经元多样性的产生和维持?
3. 专属基因表达程序:大脑作为人体最复杂的器官,其发育过程是否有其独特的基因表达程序?这个专属程序如何运行,其运行错误如何导致相关神经发育疾病的发生?
实验室更多信息请访问: http://yansonglab.org
*corresponding author; #contribute equally
Shen Y., Liu K., Liu J., Shen J., Ye T., Zhao R., Zhang R. and Song Y.* (2024) TBP bookmarks and preserves neural stem cell fate memory by orchestrating local chromatin architecture. Molecular Cell, doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2024.11.019
He R.#, Dong T.#, Chu J.#, Wang Y., Wang X., Song Y.* and Sun Y.* (2024). Phaser-Trim: a phase separation based genetically-encoded reporter for H3K9 trimethylation in living cells. Analytical Chemistry, doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c00992.
Song Y.* (2022) It takes two to tango: The dance of cell fate specification. Developmental Biology, 490:125. (Editorial for a Special Issue on Transcriptional and epigenetic control of cell fate specification)
Liu X.#, Shen J.#, Xie L., Wei Z., Wong C., Li Y., Zheng X., Li P. and Song Y.* (2020) Mitotic implantation of a transcription factor via phase separation drives terminal neuronal differentiation. Developmental Cell, 52(3), 277-293; doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2019.11.019 [Featured Article].
- Highlighted in Developmental Cell: Bonnay F. and Knoblich J.A.* (2020) Prospero Phase-Separating the Way to Neuronal Differentiation. Developmental Cell, 52(3), 251-252.
Li B.#, Wong C.#, Gao S.M., Zhang R., Sun R., Li Y. and Song Y.* (2018) The retromer complex safeguards against neural progenitor-derived tumorigenesis by regulating Notch receptor trafficking. Elife 2018;7;e38181 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.38181
- Press release by Elife: https://elifesciences.org/for-the-press/3d24b574/body-s-own-bomb-squad-can-help-protect-against-brain-tumors
Xu K., Liu X., Wang Y., Wong C. and Song Y.* (2018) Temporospatial induction of homeodomain gene cut dictates natural lineage reprogramming. Elife 2018;7:e33934 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.33934
Jing M., Zhang P., Wang G., Jiang H., Mesik L., Feng J., Wang S., Looby J., Guagliardo N.A., Langma L.W., Lu J., Zuo Y., Talmage D.A., Role L.W., Barrett P.Q., Zhang L.I., Luo M., Song Y., Zhu J.* and Li Y.* (2018). A genetically-encoded fluorescent acetylcholine indicator for in vitro and in vivo studies. Nature Biotechnology 36:726–737
Liu K., Shen D., Shen J., Gao S.M., Li B., Wong C., Feng W. and Song Y.* (2017) The super elongation complex drives neural stem cell fate commitment. Developmental Cell, 40(6), 537-551 [Cover article].
- Highlighted in Developmental Cell: Rossi A.M. and Desplan C.* (2017) Asymmetric Notch Amplification to Secure Stem Cell Identity. Developmental Cell, 40(6), 513-514.
- Recommended by F1000Prime: https://f1000.com/prime/727458399
Liu K., Xu K. and Song Y.* (2019) Faster, Higher, Stronger: Timely and robust cell fate/identity commitment in stem cell lineages. Open Biology, 9: 180243. [Invited review]
Wu Y.C., Lee K.S., Song Y., Gehrke S., Lu B.* (2017) The bantam microRNA acts through Numb to exert cell growth control and feedback regulation of Notch in tumor-forming stem cells in the Drosophila brain. PLoS Genetics, 13(5):e1006785.
Lee K.S.#, Wu Z.#, Song Y., Mitra S.S., Feroze A.H., Cheshier S.H., Lu B.* (2013) Roles of PINK1, mTORC2, and mitochondria in preserving brain tumor-forming stem cells in a noncanonical Notch signaling pathway. Genes & Development, 27(24):2642-7 [Cover article]
Song Y. and Lu B.* (2012) Interaction of Notch signaling modulator Numb with α-Adaptin regulates endocytosis of Notch pathway components and cell fate determination of neural stem cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(21):17716-28.
Ouyang Y.#, Song Y.# and Lu B.* (2011) dp53 restrains ectopic neural stem cell formation in the Drosophila brain in a non-apoptotic mechanism involving Archipelago and Cyclin E. PLoS ONE, 6(11):e28098 (# contribute equally).
Song Y. and Lu B.* (2011) Regulation of cell growth by Notch signaling and its differential requirement in normal vs. tumor-forming stem cells in Drosophila. Genes & Development, 25(24):2644-2658.
Yu L., Song Y. and Wharton R.P.* (2010) E(nos)/CG4699 required for nanos function in the female germ line of Drosophila. Genesis, 48(3):161-70. [Cover article]
Song Y., Fee L., Lee T. and Wharton R.P.* (2007) The molecular chaperone Hsp90 is required for mRNA localization in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Genetics, 176(4):2213-22.