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日期: 2009-05-29


黃秉乾為台大學士,維州理工學院碩士,俄州立大學博士。曾任加州理工學院博士後研究員,英國劍橋山奈實驗室訪問學者。1965年任教約翰霍普金斯大學迄今。現為約大公衛學院生化及分子生物學系與文理學院生物物理學系教授、中研院院士及諮詢委員、長庚醫學發展顧問、清大榮譽講座及生科院創院院長、交大及雲南大學榮譽教授, 以及北大榮譽客座教授。美國Baltimore 市榮譽市民。專長分子遺傳學。編著有遺傳醫學及預防醫學,遺傳工程等書及學術論文多篇。

The advent of science impacts on everyday life; it brings also unprecedented challenges and unfathomable opportunities.  As a student in life sciences, one faces evolving paradigms in theorem forming, in problem solving and in career choice.  Precision tools of high sensitivity have facilitated high throughput screening and testing; sophisticated algorithms have made possible resolution of complex nexuses; many reagents, enzymes, genomic constructs, vectors, antibodies, RNAi , imaging markers, and model animals with specific hereditary background are available commercially for research. More significantly, advanced concepts for non-linear thinking have drastically modified our central dogma and demanded that we reform our understanding of how nature and nurture shape us through genetics and epigenetics.  Many questions yet remain.  Do we know enough of what is encoded in the genomes, in gene circuitry and expression profiles, in the dynamics of proteins, native or modified, their structures, functions, and interactive networks?  Do we know how cells grow, differentiate, convert energy, migrate, fuse, divide and forming tissues, organ or organisms?  How signals are transmitted, as are senses and bioinformation? What about our vital systems, their origins, vulnerability, ability to regenerate and die as programmed?  Why do we, among all living creatures, come into being on this planet and fade away in time and space?  Ultimately, how much information shall we gather as knowledge, and from what knowledge shall we be privileged in reaching the wisdom that defines Life?  Professor PC Huang will address the issues of preparedness and chance, and share his personal views and vast experience in the academics with our graduating class and fellow students.

