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Developing as a Developmental Biologist

日期: 2014-11-21
【Employment history】
2013-present:Reader in Developmental Biology, Bateson Centre and Department 
of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield.
2004-2012:   Senior Lecturer, MRC Centre for Developmental and Biomedical Ge
netics and Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield.
1997-2004:   Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheff
1994-1997:   Imperial Cancer Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, ICRF Develop
mental Biology Unit, Oxford and Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. Supervisor: Dr
 J. Lewis.
1994:        EMBO Short Term Fellow (Mar-Jun 1994 and Oct-Dec 1994), Max Pla
nck Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie, Tübingen, Germany. Supervisor: Prof.
 C. Nüsslein-Volhard.
1992-1994:   Wellcome Trust Prize Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cambrid
ge. Supervisor:Prof. C. Wylie.
Career breaks: Maternity leave, Mar-Sept 1997 and Mar-Sept 1999.

1989-1992:   PhD in Developmental Biology, Department of Zoology and Wellcom
e Trust/Cancer Research Campaign Institute, University of Cambridge. Wellcome
 Trust Prize Studentship. Supervisor: Prof. C. Wylie.
1986-1989:    BA (Hons) in Natural Sciences (Zoology), First Class Honours an
d Frank Smart Prize, University of Cambridge (MA 1993).