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Criticality in biological systems
May.19.2018Speaker:Qianyi Li (李倩怡), Da Teng (滕达), Chenxi Sun (孙晨曦), Meichen Fang (方美琛)
A lot of fascinating phenomena in biological systems result in the interaction of the components, the interaction of genes decide the state of a cell, the interaction between the neurons result in the complex functions carried out by the neural system. Researches have focused on using ideas in statistical physics to understand how the complex systems carry out complicated tasks as a whole with interactions between the individual elements, and have proposed that biological systems may be poised at a critical point, in terms of their statistical and dynamical properties.
This critical state signatures the boundary between order and disorder, and possess some intriguing properties including diverging correlation length, that allows the system to exhibit collective behavior, and achieve balance between robustness and flexibility.
Guest information:
1. Dr. Hongli Wang (PKU)
2. Dr. Haijun Zhou (ITP,CAS)
3. Dr. Louis Tao (PKU)
Recommend Literatures:
1. Miguel A. Munoz(2017). Colloquium: Criticality and dynamical scaling in living systems.
1. Woodrow Shew et. al.(2015). Adaptation to sensory input tunes visual cortex to criticality. Nature Physics.
2. Jorge Hidalgo et. al.(2014). Information-based fitness and the emergence of criticality in living systems. PNAS